Pre Natal - Physio Éireann can help with:

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Pregnancy related back, neck, rib and pelvic girdle pain

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Nerve problems such as Sciatica and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Pelvic floor weakness leading to incontinence

Post Natal - Physio Éireann can help with:

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Individualised and safe return to exercise programmes

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Practical advice relating to posture when breast-feeding and carrying your baby

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Pelvic floor muscle re-training for incontinence, prolapse or pelvic pain following trauma during delivery.

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Treatment for back, neck and pelvic pain post pregnancy

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Post-natal abdominal muscle retraining following a C-Section delivery

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Post-natal rectus divarication (where the abdominal muscles separate)

Preglates - Specalist Pilates in Pregnancy Class:

The pregnancy classes will focus on:

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Building core strength

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Stretching areas prone to tightness

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Incorporating breathing techniques to help you relax and may be used in labour

The benefits from the pregnancy classes include:

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Reduction in the separation that sometimes appears in the stomach muscles after having a baby

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Reduce and help manage pregnancy related back pain.

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Improved control of the pelvic floor muscles which helps reduce incontinence problems and can be very beneficial during the pushing stage of labor

The class is relaxed and sociable. Numbers will be restricted to allow the physiotherapist to observe and modify the exercises as required and to offer support and advice on how to manage individual symptoms.

Important to note before joining the class:

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Reduction in the separation that sometimes appears in the stomach muscles after having a baby

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You must be cleared to exercise by your GP or Mid-wife

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It is ok if you have not done Pilates or exercise before you can still join the class safely

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You must complete an assement over the phone or a free 1:1 screening session before joining this class

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If you are pregnant with twins please contact us directly